Sunday, June 7, 2009

Stringbeans and Broccoli!!

Junkyard Band really rocked the park at our Dance Party!!! All the Intergalactic Space Agents were there and there was a special appearance by Dr Ro! Tons of kids showed up to stay fit and healthy by dancing. Here are some pictures from the Dance Party!

Make sure you stay tuned for the Season Premiere of "Dr Ro's Fit Kidz" this Fall!

Start Healthy! Stay Healthy!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hangin' Out with Agent H20

Hey Fit Kidz!! here are some pictures from the day I spent rock climbing - it was soooo fun! Once you get to the top of the wall you get to drop down on the rope, but getting up there is a lot of work. My arms were sore the next day, but it was totally worth it! Have you ever been Rock Climbing? There are rock climbing gyms all over the place - you should go to one ;-)

Agent H2O

Monday, June 1, 2009

Skateboarding with Agent Spirit

Hey Y'all - I just got to skate with Shaun Gregoire! I couldn't do all the amazing tricks he could do - but he showed me some really cool moves. That's us at the skate park...

Here's him doing his thing in DC...

Agent Spirit - signin' off